The decision you will have to make when you have made up your mind to build a shed is between metal-built sheds or wooden-built sheds. Both have their pros and cons.

All you need is to decide which shed works best for your project and your preference. Here is a guide to help you choose to either between metal-built sheds or wooden-built sheds.


 Advantages Of Metal Built Sheds

The primary factor you should consider in the metal-built sheds is durability.

Metal garage vs. wood-made garages.

Metal built garages or metal built sheds can hold up better than wood, and they don’t need frequent maintenance and attention as you will give to the wooden built sheds

Metal-built sheds come in varieties of colors. You can get your metal sheds in any color you desire. You don’t need to go for the traditional brown and bland gray metal-built shed because those colors are obsolete. Modern metal-made sheds come with refreshing colors.

Metal Built Sheds are usually easier and cheaper to repair. You don’t need to replace shingles, which is generally not the case with wooden built sheds

With metal-built sheds, you don’t need to replace or patch anything. When it is necessary to replace the roof, it is faster because all you need is to add a new metal strip on the old one instead of small shingle pieces.


Advantages Of Wooden Built Sheds

When it comes to wooden built sheds, it is all about looks. If you have wood flower boxes and a wooden picket fence around your property, wooden-built sheds will nicely blend with your property setup.

The metal sheds will not look good without proper construction and exterior.

With a woodshed, you can easily add a second floor when you need your shed to be more than a storage alternative. Or if you need a studio where you can show off your craft skills as you store materials

Like a metal garage vs. wood frame, you wouldn’t have square footage in your property for all this in a metal garage, but with your wooden frame, you can easily integrate all this when the second floor is added


The Disadvantage Of Wooden Built Sheds

Wooden-built Sheds require additional upkeep. Because it needs to be protected from moisture and insects hungry for woods to munch on, it is not as difficult as it sounds. It shouldn’t be downbeat for you if you consider a wooden shed.

Alternatively, you can apply a protector and sealant to your wooden shed. It will also prevent your shed from deteriorating and protect it from damages caused by water.

You will be required to shovel off snow from the woodshed roof if the snow is heavy to prevent excessive damages that might linger for long.


Disadvantages Of Metal Built Sheds

  • Colors for metal-built sheds can’t be changed easily like the wood sheds.
  •  Unpleasant noise when it rains, raindrops on a metal shed can be problematic and unpleasant.

So, which one do you choose? It depends on your preference, but we hope that we have given you plenty to consider.

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