Hurricanes are powerful storms that can cause mass destruction. They can destroy buildings, trees, cars, and anything else that is in their path. It can affect your pre-engineered metal building by either doing no significant damage or causing moderate or severe damage to the building, depending on where you are in the eye of the storm. Therefore, the weather effects on PEMB’S are unknown, but quality material from Reel Steel Construction Inc. should protect you from adverse weather.


Weather effects on PEMB’s


Hurricanes have a significant impact on the look and function of any PEMB. The PEMB’s are significantly more vulnerable to the high winds and heavy rainfall that occur during a hurricane. This is because the materials used in their construction, such as metal, concrete, and other materials, are not designed to withstand these conditions.

A hurricane can affect a pre-engineered metal building in one of two ways: it could either damage the structure or cause the building to be lifted off of its foundation without any damage whatsoever.

When the hurricane hits, it can cause a lot of damage to your pre-engineered metal building. The most common threat to a PEMB from storms is water damage. A hurricane can cause flooding and water seepage in the building, leading to corrosion, mold, and rust. It can also cause structural weakening when it leaves deep scratches and dents on the pre-engineered metal building.

Other weather elements, such as snow, can collect on your complex roof leading to rust.


Protecting your PEMB’s from hurricanes


Right shape


The shape of a custom-built metal building is essential in resisting hurricanes. The tall designs of traditional buildings predispose them to torrential winds that tore them apart. A one-story metal building is much safer. Also, the roof design plays an important part. Vortexes are known to rip apart gable roofs. A hipped roof with a slope of 12-14 degrees provides better protection. The combination of a good shape and roof design will protect your building from a typical hurricane wind force.


Strong frame


A strong frame will ensure your metal building withstands hurricanes. A steel frame is the best way to ensure your family and your belongings are protected.


Best paneling


Steel paneling ensures you are as safe as possible.


Limited openings


A strong metal building will suffer in a storm if there are many points of access and openings. A lot of openings predispose your building to hurricanes. Install a door over every opening and limit the number of access points to your facility.


Use the right windows and doors.


Consider impact-resistant windows and doors. This is because if they happen to break under extreme duress, they won’t disintegrate into dangerous pieces and shards.

Hurricanes are one of the most devastating weather events that can happen to a region. When a storm hits, it can cause widespread destruction to everything in its path. But does this mean you have to live with your damaged metal building for the rest of your life?

No! There are many different things you can do to protect and maintain your metal building. One option is installing hurricane shutters on all of your windows. Another option is choosing a more hurricane-resistant type of metal building.


Contact us


Remember, metal buildings need maintenance and care just like any other type of home. For this, get in touch with Reel Steel Construction Inc. for the best materials in town.

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